October 2008

Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (or ARC) is in place to maintain the standard of the neighborhood by enforcing the adopted Deed Restrictions (please make "Deed Restrictions" a link to that page). The Deed Restrictions have been in place since April 25, 2002 and apply to every homeowner. The Deed Restrictions exist to provide for the orderly preservation of property values, benefiting each homeowner.The Architectural Review Committee (or ARC) is in place to maintain the standard of the neighborhood by enforcing the adopted Deed Restrictions. The Deed Restrictions have been in place since April 25, 2002 and apply to every homeowner. The Deed Restrictions exist to provide for the orderly preservation of property values, benefiting each homeowner. The ARC will review any building or addition plans for homeowners and make a determination of acceptance or denial based upon the information contained in the Deed Restrictions, and ultimately upon the harmony of the neighborhood. Please see our Permit Application page for more information. The ARC will also review Deed Restriction violations in the neighborhood, and take the appropriate action to bring about a resolution. Please see below for the ARC's current operating procedure for handling said violations.

Volunteers are always needed to help run this committee. We only ask that you are a homeowner in good standing and not in violation of the Deed Restrictions. Please contact us if you are interested in serving on this committee.

HOA Member Meeting

Start Time: 
10/15/2008 - 7:00pm
End Time: 
10/15/2008 - 9:00pm

Please attend the next HOA Member Meeting:
October 15th, 2008
7pm to 9pm
Brick Mill Elementary School
in the Cafeteria

See Front Page news story for a copy of the Agenda and the Notice that was sent to all homeowners on 10-1-08