
The Estates at Dove Run is a deed restricted community, with 298 upscale homes, located off of Rt. 299 in Middletown, DE. Our neighborhood is walking distance to Dove Run Shopping Center, Brick Mill Elementary, Middletown High School and just minutes from Route 1.


Payment Reminder: 2025 Assessment

Assessment payments were due by February 28, 2025. If you have not paid, we encourage you to do so immediately, to avoid late charges.

We extend our appreciation to those who paid timely.

HOA Meeting Minutes (12-16-24)

Takeaways from the Annual HOA Meeting:

Residents should report public safety/nuisance issues (unauthorized parked vehicles, noise and traffic violations) directly to the Middletown Police Department, via their non-emergency number (302-573-2800).

In accordance with Section 21 of our Declaration of Deed Restrictions, lot owners must receive approval from the HOA prior to initiating exterior projects.

    Please see the 2024 HOA Meeting Minutes and the 2024 HOA Meeting ARC Report for additional details.

    Review of Exterior Projects

    In accordance with Section 21 of our Declaration of Restrictions (Deed Restrictions), Dove Run lot owners are required to receive written approval from the HOA prior to completing exterior projects (roofs, sheds, decks, fences, etc.). Such projects must be completed in a manner that is consistent with our Deed Restrictions.  Please use our HOA Permit Application to submit your project approval request. 

    We appreciate your cooperation and support in this matter.

    If you have any questions, please contact us.

    Annual HOA Meeting

    The Estates at Dove Run Homeowner’s Association, Inc. will hold its annual meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM.  This will be a virtual meeting using Zoom

    If you wish to attend, please contact us at info@doverunhomeowners.com. Meeting log-in information will be provided at the time of registration.  Due to time constraints, attendees are encouraged to submit questions prior to the meeting.  

    Tree Maintenance

    Occasionally, we receive complaints from lot owners regarding overgrown tree branches that obstruct public sidewalks. Unfortunately, this area is beyond the scope of the HOA as both sidewalks and curbs fall under public ownership, managed by Middletown.  However, upkeep of the area, including the sidewalk, the landscaped space between the sidewalk and road, including trees, and the stretch from the property line to the curb, is the responsibility of the property owner located adjacent to these spaces.  This is in accordance with Middletown’s Code of Ordinances – an excerpt of which appears below.

    Although this area is beyond under the scope of the HOA, you can direct your complaint directly to Middletown (https://middletown.delaware.gov/departments/PermitsLicensing/Inspections/complaints).

    Payment Confirmation Inquiries

    The HOA has received numerous inquiries from lot owners applying for mortgage or home equity loans.  To reduce the number of inquiries, we encourage lot owners to retain copies of their payment receipts (cancelled checks, PayPal statements), which they can provide to lending agencies as confirmation of HOA payment.   

    In many cases, lenders may request copies of our annual Assessment Notices.  You can download the most recent notice from our website.  

    HOA Meeting Minutes (12-12-23)

    Takeaways from the Annual HOA Meeting:

    1. Residents should report public safety/nuisance issues (loitering, abandoned vehicles, etc.) directly to the Middletown Police Department, via their non-emergency number (302-573-2800).
    2. In accordance with Section 6 of our Declaration of Deed Restrictions, trash receptacles should not be placed in public areas prior to 24 hours of pickup. Further, residents should remove trash receptacles on the same day as trash pickup.

    Please see the 2023 Meeting Minutes and the 2023 ARC Report for additional information.

    HOA Meeting Minutes (12/15/2022)

    Electronic Payments of HOA Dues

    We are pleased to announce that lot owners have the option of submitting HOA payments, via PayPal, by clicking the Online Dues Payment Link.

    HOA Meeting Minutes: 12/9/2021

    Please see attached documents for additional details.